The calendar of Chuchle Arena Prague events for this year is already in real form and contains a total of twenty-one terms.
The 14-racedays season will start on Sunday, April 5th and will run until the first weekend in November. Its hlighlights will be the 100th Czech Derby (Sunday, June 28) and the sixth European Jockeys' Cup (Saturday, September 26). The conditions of classic races (Pražská plynárenská Czech 2000 Guineas, Czech Derby, J&T Banka Czech St Leger) have already been published and the first entries will be closed on Thursday, January 30. A day later, the Czech Jockey Club set a deadline for submitting conditions for all other races in 2020.
The show jumping seasion will offer seven events, starting during Easter (April 9-12) and ending on the second weekend in October. This discipline returned to Velká Chuchle last year and the main events of this year will be the premiere International CSI **/* CSI Yh competition at the end of May and the Championship of the Czech Republic for Children and Juniors 2020 in August.
Complete events calendar of Chuchle Arena Prague season 2020 can be found HERE.
Chuchle Arena Praha, s.r.o.
Radotínská 69/34
159 00 Praha 5