Date: Sunday, 1 September 2024
Gates open: from 11.00
First race: 13.00
Last race: 17.45
Number of races: 9
Tickets: 200 CZK – price list
Parking: 100 CZK
Online tickets:
Main races:
79th CONSEQ Czech St Leger Stakes
46th CK Martin Tour Prague Stakes
Hospitality: restaurant, cafe, food trucks, fast food.
Roofed grandstand.
Dogs allowed, but only on a leash!
Free pony riding if weather is good (from 13.00 to 15.00), outdoor playground (trampolines, carousel, etc.), indoor children's corner (ground floor of the grandstand).
☻ competitions route with rewards ☻
☺ raffle ☺
☻ creative workshops ☻
☺ face painting ☺
☻ rabbit jumping ☻
☺ shagya arab and pony riding ☺
Chuchle Arena Praha, s.r.o.
Radotínská 69/34
159 00 Praha 5