Date: Sunday, 9 July
Gates open: from 8.00
(free entry until 11.00)
Rabbit jump: from 9.00
First race: 14.00
Last race: 17.30
Number of races: 8
Tickets: 200 CZK – price list
Parking: 100 CZK
Online tickets:
Hospitality: restaurant, cafe, food trucks, fast food.
Roofed grandstand.
Dogs allowed, but only on a leash!
Free pony riding if weather is good (from 14.00 to 16.00), outdoor playground (trampolines, carousel, etc.), creative workshops, indoor children's corner (ground floor of the grandstand).
Chuchle Arena Praha, s.r.o.
Radotínská 69/34
159 00 Praha 5